Our Bishop

Rt. Rev. Michael Cornelius Odiwa, JDC
Bishop Odiwa was born on 11 November 1962 in Sori Karungu, Migori County. He was Ordained Priest of the Diocese of Kisii, Kenya on 3 July 1993.
Msgr. Michael was Appointed Bishop of Homa Bay on 29 November 2020.
He was Ordained the 3rd Bishop of Homa Bay on 9 February 2021 at Homa Bay High School Grounds, Homa Bay Town. His Principal Consecrator was Archbishop Hubertus Matheus Maria van Megen, the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya and South Sudan (Titular Archbishop of Novaliciana). His Principal Co-Consecrators were Archbishop Philip Arnold Subira Anyolo, Archbishop of Kisumu and Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth, Archbishop Emeritus of Kisumu.
Msgr. Michael Odiwa obtained Doctorate in Canon Law from Urbaniana University, Rome between 2000 and 2005.

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The Rock on which the Church is built
Prayer of Serenity
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
The Miracle Prayer
Nyasachwa ni iber ahinya, mi eklisiani hapi, gi ji ma ni e pinyni, gi jowadwa, gi osiepewa, gi ji ma ok oherowa. Rit jodong dini gi jodong piny. Lok chuny ji ma ok oyie wach Nyasaye. Duog ji moa e eklisia makatholik. Lok jo maketho. Jiw jo mabeyo gi nemani. Jo ma e wuoth gi chop maber. Irom ne jo chan, gi jo modhier, gi jo ma otue, gi jo ma tuo, gi jo magudo kony gi bende. Gol chuny ma e pugratori. Ritwa maber tinendeni. Kendo imiwa nema mar tho ka pod waheri. AMEN.
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