Our Diocese

The Diocese of Homa Bay covers approximately 7,778 sq km (3,004 Square Miles) with a population of about 2.3 Million people (2009 Census). The Catholic faithful form a third of the largely Christians population.
- 48 parishes
- 7 Deaneries
- 2 Counties
Homa bay diocese has a metropolitan population spread from the shore of Lake Victoria, Winam Gulf, and extends along the eastern borders of Tanzania. This stretch covers both Homa Bay and Migori counties. It forms part of the Metropolitan See of Kisumu, Kenya, and borders Ngong’ diocese, Kisii diocese, and Kisumu Archdiocese.
Growing together in Faith, Hope and Charity

The Mission of Christ in Parishes

The Mission of Christ in Parishes

The Mission of Christ in Parishes

The Mission of Christ in Parishes

The Mission of Christ in Parishes

The Mission of Christ in Parishes

The Mission of Christ in Parishes
A Catholic Christian family that Evangelize together
Our Vision
To be a people transformed by the light of the Gospel
Our Mission Statement
A Catholic community growing together in Faith, Hope and Charity.
Our Strategic Direction
"...to best meet the needs of Christians and stakeholders ...energizing the laity and diocese leadership to transcend current obstacles and to rise to greater heights of maturing faith and Christian charity."
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